Brand-out or audience-in?
There are a number of key thoughts around successful branding that frequently come to mind and now I have somewhere to ruminate on them...

Actions and evidence is what separates the great brands form the average
So if you've looked at my website... What do you mean you haven't? You'll know I'm using a very rudimantary equation to illustrate how...

Not really a blog, more of a photo
I may find myself on the wrong end of the blog police here. It's not really a blog, it's more of a photograph. It took me a while to...

Sorry Malcolm Gladwell, in my case it seems to have been 60,000 hours
After a brief post-school stint in a number of restaurants, I got my desired job in an advertising agency as a commercial artist, after...

Ignore the guy in the corner, he's a brand consultant.
How much can you tell about an organisation from attending a few meetings? How many would you need to attend before you have the culture sew